
About: We provide top-notch facilities that cater to every need of our students, be it academic, extracurricular, or recreational.

Computer Lab: Our state-of-the-art computer lab is equipped with the latest software and hardware, fostering interactive learning.

Canteen: A lively hub offering nutritious and delectable meals. A place of gathering, laughter, and shared moments.

Basketball Court: A professional-grade court, host to thrilling matches and rigorous training sessions.

Auditorium (Indoor/Outdoor): Modern, spacious, and equipped to facilitate grand cultural and academic events.

Biochemistry Lab: Delve deep into molecular wonders and hands-on experimentation with our cutting-edge equipment.

Microbiology Lab: Explore the world of microorganisms in our state-of-the-art setup, bridging theory and practice.

Football Ground: Sprawling grounds fostering team spirit, discipline, and the love for the sport.